Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy (CEWS) - as extended by Order in Council 2021-0882 & as further extended by Bill C-2
Providing a wage subsidy to employers with reduced revenues. Employers must choose between the Canada Recovery Hiring Program and this program.
We expect that the extension of the Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy by Bill C-2 will result in an additional $5,456 million in subsidies being paid beyond those already approved by Order in Council 2021-0882. Of these additional subsidies, we expect $666 million to be paid under the Tourism and Hospitality Recovery Program, and $4,790 million to be paid under the Hardest-Hit Business Recovery Program. With this extension, we expect the gross cost of the Canada Emergency Wage Subsidy to be $106,680 million. This represents a net cost to the federal government of $92,307 million after accounting for corporate income tax recoveries.