[{"label":"Home","url":"https:\/\/www.pbo-dpb.ca\/en"},{"label":"News Releases","url":"https:\/\/www.pbo-dpb.ca\/en\/news-releases--communiques-de-presse","section":{"id":4,"title_en":"Communications","title_fr":"Communications"}},{"label":"Moderate economic growth ahead as Government unlikely to meet budget target, says PBO","url":"https:\/\/www.pbo-dpb.ca\/en\/news-releases--communiques-de-presse\/moderate-economic-growth-ahead-as-government-unlikely-to-meet-budget-target-says-pbo-croissance-economique-moderee-a-prevoir-dans-un-contexte-ou-le-gouvernement-est-peu-susceptible-datteindre-ses-objectifs-budgetaires-selon-le-dpb","section":{"id":4,"title_en":"Communications","title_fr":"Communications"}}]

Moderate economic growth ahead as Government unlikely to meet budget target, says PBO

Ottawa (Ontario), October 17, 2024

The Parliamentary Budget Officer (PBO) today released his Economic and Fiscal Outlook (EFO). The report provides a baseline projection to help parliamentarians gauge potential economic and fiscal outcomes under current policy settings.

PBO projects growth in the Canadian economy to remain tepid through 2024, with real GDP growth advancing by 1.1 per cent, and the unemployment rate hovering just below 7 per cent for the rest of this year.

“As the impact of Government spending tapers off and elevated interest rates continue to put pressure on consumer spending and business investments, we expect economic activity to slow over the remainder of the year”, says Yves Giroux, PBO. “Real GDP growth will rebound to 2.2 per cent in 2025, as the Bank of Canada continues to lower borrowing costs, boosting spending and investment, and exports pickup”.

Over 2027 to 2029, PBO projects real GDP growth to average 1.9 per cent which is slightly higher than our estimated growth in potential output (1.8 per cent) over the same period.

The PBO outlook includes measures announced by the Government in Budget 2024 and through August 31, 2024. For the previous fiscal year, 2023-24, we estimate the budgetary deficit to be $46.8 billion (1.6% of GDP) and the federal debt-to-GDP ratio to rise to 42.2%.

“Based on our analysis, the Government will not meet its fiscal commitment to keep the deficit below $40 billion in 2023-24”, says Mr. Giroux.

“Excluding any potential new measures or announcements, the deficit is projected to marginally decline to $46.4 billion in 2024-25 while the federal debt-to-GDP ratio remains at 42.2%. Under status quo policy, the deficit is projected to decline over the medium term, falling to $23.8 billion (0.7% of GDP) in 2028-29,” adds Mr. Giroux.

Compared to PBO’s March outlook, projected budgetary deficits are roughly $4.1 billion higher, on average, over the next five years. This deterioration is due to new spending measures.

The PBO report highlights risks and uncertainty surrounding the outlook. Setting aside new measures that are likely to be announced between now and the next federal election, the risks to the PBO baseline economic and fiscal projection are roughly balanced.

“In terms of downside risks, we continue to judge that the most important risk is a larger-than-expected impact on the Canadian economy, including housing, from the Bank of Canada’s restrictive monetary policy, which would negatively affect the Canadian economy and federal finances,” highlights Mr. Giroux. “Stronger-than-expected household spending is the most important upside risk”.


    {"id":"RP-2425-018-S","is_published":"2024-10-17T12:57:02.000000Z","release_date":"2024-10-17T13:00:00.000000Z","title_en":"Economic and Fiscal Outlook \u2013 October 2024","title_fr":"Perspectives \u00e9conomiques et financi\u00e8res \u2013 octobre 2024","internal_id":"RP-2425-018-S","metadata":{"abstract_en":"This report provides a baseline projection to help parliamentarians gauge potential economic and fiscal outcomes under current policy settings.","abstract_fr":"Le pr\u00e9sent rapport fournit une projection de r\u00e9f\u00e9rence pour aider les parlementaires \u00e0 \u00e9valuer les r\u00e9sultats \u00e9conomiques et budg\u00e9taires possibles dans le cadre des politiques actuelles.","highlights":[{"content":{"en":"PBO projects growth in the Canadian economy to remain tepid in 2024. Interest rates will continue to restrain growth in consumer spending and business investment. We expect real GDP growth will rebound to 2.2 per cent in 2025, as lower borrowing costs provide a boost to consumer spending and business investment, and exports pickup.","fr":"Le DPB pr\u00e9voit que la croissance de l\u2019\u00e9conomie canadienne demeurera modeste en 2024. Les taux d\u2019int\u00e9r\u00eat continueront de freiner la croissance des d\u00e9penses de consommation et des investissements des entreprises. Nous nous attendons \u00e0 ce que la croissance du produit int\u00e9rieur brut (PIB) r\u00e9el rebondisse \u00e0 2,2 % en 2025, car la baisse des co\u00fbts d\u2019emprunt stimule les d\u00e9penses de consommation et les investissements des entreprises, et encourage la reprise des exportations."}},{"content":{"en":"With the ongoing excess supply in the economy, consumer price index (CPI) inflation is on track to return to its 2 per cent target. We anticipate the Bank of Canada will continue to gradually reduce its policy rate until it reaches its estimated neutral level of 2.75 percent in the second quarter of 2025.","fr":"Compte tenu de l\u2019offre exc\u00e9dentaire persistante au sein de l\u2019\u00e9conomie, l\u2019inflation mesur\u00e9e par l\u2019Indice des prix \u00e0 la consommation est en voie de revenir \u00e0 sa cible de 2 %. Nous pr\u00e9voyons que la Banque du Canada continuera de r\u00e9duire progressivement son taux directeur jusqu\u2019\u00e0 ce qu\u2019il atteigne son niveau neutre estim\u00e9 \u00e0 2,75 % au deuxi\u00e8me trimestre de 2025."}},{"content":{"en":"We estimate that there was a budgetary deficit of $46.8 billion (1.6 per cent of GDP) in 2023-24. For the current fiscal year, 2024-25, PBO projects the budgetary deficit to slightly decline to $46.4 billion (1.5 per cent of GDP) under status quo policy. Assuming no new measures are introduced, and existing temporary measures sunset as scheduled, the deficit is projected to resume its downward trajectory, falling to $22.5 billion (0.6 per cent of GDP) in 2029-30.","fr":"Nous estimons qu\u2019il y avait un d\u00e9ficit budg\u00e9taire de 46,8 milliards de dollars (1,6 % du PIB) en 2023-2024. Pour l\u2019exercice financier en cours, soit 2024-2025, le DPB pr\u00e9voit que le d\u00e9ficit budg\u00e9taire diminuera l\u00e9g\u00e8rement \u00e0 46,4 milliards de dollars (1,5 % du PIB) dans le cadre d\u0027une politique de statu quo. En supposant qu\u2019aucune nouvelle mesure ne soit prise et que les mesures temporaires existantes prennent fin comme pr\u00e9vu, le d\u00e9ficit budg\u00e9taire devrait revenir sur sa trajectoire descendante et passer \u00e0 22,5 milliards de dollars (0,6 % du PIB) en 2029-2030."}},{"content":{"en":"PBO expects the federal debt-to-GDP ratio to be 42.2 per cent in 2023-24 and 2024-25. Assuming no new measures and existing temporary measures sunset as scheduled, the federal debt ratio is projected to fall to 39.0 per cent in 2029-30, well above its pre-pandemic level of 31.2 per cent of GDP in 2019-20.","fr":"Le DPB pr\u00e9voit que le ratio de la dette f\u00e9d\u00e9rale au PIB restera \u00e0 42,2 % en 2024-2025. En supposant qu\u2019aucune nouvelle mesure ne soit prise et que les mesures temporaires existantes prennent fin comme pr\u00e9vu, le ratio de la dette f\u00e9d\u00e9rale devrait atteindre 39,0 % en 2029-2030, ce qui est bien sup\u00e9rieur \u00e0 son niveau d\u2019avant la pand\u00e9mie, qui \u00e9tait de 31,2 % du PIB en 2019-2020."}},{"content":{"en":"PBO projects the debt service ratio (that is, public debt charges relative to total revenues) to rise to 10.6 in 2024-25 from 10.3 per cent in 2023-24. As the effective interest rate on debt edges higher in 2024-25, we project the debt service ratio to increase further and reach 11.2 per cent in 2029-30\u2014well above its pre-pandemic record low of 7.0 per cent in 2018-19.","fr":"Le DPB pr\u00e9voit que le ratio du service de la dette (soit le rapport entre les frais de la dette publique et les recettes totales) passera \u00e0 10,6 % en 2024-2025, alors qu\u2019il s\u2019\u00e9tablissait \u00e0 10,3 % en 2023-2024. Comme le taux d\u2019int\u00e9r\u00eat effectif sur la dette est l\u00e9g\u00e8rement plus \u00e9lev\u00e9 en 2024-2025, nous pr\u00e9voyons que le ratio du service de la dette augmentera encore et qu\u2019il atteindra 11,2 % en 2029-2030, soit bien au dessus de son creux record de 7,0 % enregistr\u00e9 avant la pand\u00e9mie en 2018-2019."}}]},"updated_at":"2024-10-17T12:57:02.000000Z","type":"RP","slug":"RP-2425-018-S--economic-fiscal-outlook-october-2024--perspectives-economiques-financieres-octobre-2024","permalinks":{"en":{"website":"https:\/\/www.pbo-dpb.ca\/en\/publications\/RP-2425-018-S--economic-fiscal-outlook-october-2024--perspectives-economiques-financieres-octobre-2024","preview":"https:\/\/www.pbo-dpb.ca\/en\/publications\/RP-2425-018-S--economic-fiscal-outlook-october-2024--perspectives-economiques-financieres-octobre-2024"},"fr":{"website":"https:\/\/www.pbo-dpb.ca\/fr\/publications\/RP-2425-018-S--economic-fiscal-outlook-october-2024--perspectives-economiques-financieres-octobre-2024","preview":"https:\/\/www.pbo-dpb.ca\/fr\/publications\/RP-2425-018-S--economic-fiscal-outlook-october-2024--perspectives-economiques-financieres-octobre-2024"}},"artifacts":{"main":{"en":{"public":"https:\/\/distribution-a617274656661637473.pbo-dpb.ca\/78ce079f881ed107be7389eca371c9c0b21752840065265538f30a75466327d0"},"fr":{"public":"https:\/\/distribution-a617274656661637473.pbo-dpb.ca\/17e763792632c01620f1be9013979a56278f652c6ac6c3bbbffdfa5c47ba76e7"}}},"coverpages":{"distribution":{"fr":{"small":"https:\/\/distribution-i696d61676573.pbo-dpb.ca\/2227ae47016244d7fee6979ff55819dcb53a12859eb1cad58eda51e4e02693eb","large":"https:\/\/distribution-i696d61676573.pbo-dpb.ca\/f6cc3cc16c055321966c155117bd8575a3b39b5a111db7d24b971fc55f4fae72","h150_png_optimized":"https:\/\/distribution-i696d61676573.pbo-dpb.ca\/d94c00f588acaf2837e7f7fe9a8074d6d18a092766ac0c0381446bb6bea46cbe","h150_webp":"https:\/\/distribution-i696d61676573.pbo-dpb.ca\/71a466f30c420eaa90bc7d53c42a853930242594d1e357e88c47619b3ec85f78","h300_png_optimized":"https:\/\/distribution-i696d61676573.pbo-dpb.ca\/5d029a2ada90cd0b8ad1e0ff0670fb2699006a85fa494976d25b358ca06e04b5","h300_webp":"https:\/\/distribution-i696d61676573.pbo-dpb.ca\/40e014410224941454565d72f05e42781305917f04385a6f96fb9d73cf1f5b99","h600_png_optimized":"https:\/\/distribution-i696d61676573.pbo-dpb.ca\/0014eeb7527086482703320a87481ebaa58838710c878ba50e918d40eb36e001","h600_webp":"https:\/\/distribution-i696d61676573.pbo-dpb.ca\/27a7b5cf8a2a9d6030896935105ed5322d03659942d6302299f901dd4d5e7b58"},"en":{"small":"https:\/\/distribution-i696d61676573.pbo-dpb.ca\/9cc31e3071cdd2ed8031d0508f7bc7c32f9d24e16c1a5716cc5036aec5d1e27e","large":"https:\/\/distribution-i696d61676573.pbo-dpb.ca\/bfdd900a0556836b9c37ce2d272d4ab95b075b4f98e79a55f074bd172129b6a4","h150_png_optimized":"https:\/\/distribution-i696d61676573.pbo-dpb.ca\/3ef5173adc96a6755a37f3c3423399dc6cd7a0d0d73ad634770a2f17dea8cb04","h150_webp":"https:\/\/distribution-i696d61676573.pbo-dpb.ca\/4319f07362f23fde8ef5e89ccdd7db90da89fb7088461604dbd28401aa679049","h300_png_optimized":"https:\/\/distribution-i696d61676573.pbo-dpb.ca\/16b425b08a6ab3f885215e818f5651d3d1b0a01985d4a7504d6ef10bf16377f3","h300_webp":"https:\/\/distribution-i696d61676573.pbo-dpb.ca\/a4939d014cfac1a212b106edcb9bbf9c511a4b918191acdf339ca50675152ff8","h600_png_optimized":"https:\/\/distribution-i696d61676573.pbo-dpb.ca\/c8edc32eaeb43dd766d9732cc6bd78b5b41317afa461077c610a17a27d116b54","h600_webp":"https:\/\/distribution-i696d61676573.pbo-dpb.ca\/eb1d8dc3dfc3f1729604a2d931f6ee96539be90eac2b435efcc202ad1d019963"}}},"bills":[],"bibtex":{"en":"@techreport{PBO-RP2425018S,\n author={Cl\\\u0027{e}ophat, R\\\u0027{e}gine and Creighton, Mark and Dong, Matt and Elmarzougui, Eskandar and Kho, Albert and Laurin, Marianne and McGoey, Matthew and Michalyshyn, Katarina and Nahornick, Nora and Nicol, Caroline and Robert-Lacroix, Ulysse and Stanton, Jason and Vrhovsek, Zachary and Matier, Chris},\n title={Economic and Fiscal Outlook - October 2024},\n institution={The Office of the Parliamentary Budget Officer},\n year=2024,\n \n address = \u0022Ottawa, ON\u0022\n}","fr":"@techreport{DPB-RP2425018S,\n author={Cl\\\u0027{e}ophat, R\\\u0027{e}gine and Creighton, Mark and Dong, Matt and Elmarzougui, Eskandar and Kho, Albert and Laurin, Marianne and McGoey, Matthew and Michalyshyn, Katarina and Nahornick, Nora and Nicol, Caroline and Robert-Lacroix, Ulysse and Stanton, Jason and Vrhovsek, Zachary and Matier, Chris},\n title={Perspectives \\\u0027{e}conomiques et financi\\`{e}res - octobre 2024},\n institution={Bureau du directeur parlementaire du budget},\n year=2024,\n \n address = \u0022Ottawa, ON\u0022\n}"}}